We’re back after a good Easter, even though everyone was feeling a bit lethargic. Probably due to too much self indulgence, but none the less, we persevered.
Tom borrowed my TP-Link WR703N (imported from China) to have a toy with to see how well it would do connecting from a house with fibre broadband to one that can’t get broadband at all. The answer, after updating to the English firmware, is OK, but due to the lack of external aerial, not great. Still, worth a shot.
We’re getting a bit closer with the 3D printer now. We’ve had the motors turning using an arduino and a h-bridge, we’ve ordered the RAMPS kit and enough A4988 Pololu Stepper Motor Drivers as well as the extruder. They are in the post so I expect to have them by the weekend.
Our most recent flatcap wearing member came down with his sound system in preparation for the Critical Mass Stoke-on-Trent, I’d already mentioned it to DanW so he soon found himself up to his eyes in wires. Suffice to say, it’s much louder than it was before. Critical Mass is a cycling event typically held on the last Friday of every month in over 300 cities around the world.
John brought down his radio controlled helicopter which Tom couldn’t wait to get his hands on… and then hack, of course. I’m not sure where it ended up, but I think it flies slightly to the left now. Excellent. Perhaps we’ll mount a camera and control it by an arduino once it’s fixed, who knows…
Of course, it wouldn’t be a hackspace without injury! Well you know what they say, you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, and it would seem that you use a sharp tool without drawing blood now and again. Luckily DanR was on hand with his trusty first aid kit. Safety first guys, safety first.
We finished off with a very quick meeting. The change from weekly donations to monthly for regular members went ahead OK. We’re also now working on a “pay what you want” basis, similar to Nottingham Hackspace, but most people seemed to put in a tenner, which was excellent.
There’s a few things we want to get sorted internally to ensure the continuity of the hackspace, such as separation from the downstairs unit, additional key holders and our own security system. This will form the basis for more benefits for members such as flexible opening times, with 35ltr project boxes for regular members to follow.