The first Inter HackSpace Robot Wars took place at the Potteries Hackspace, Saturday 1st August 2015, featuring teams from Reading Hackspace, Make:Bromyard, Potteries Hackspace, Fizzpop, and Hitchin Hackspace (who won the 1st place prize after their robot beat all the others in one-on-one battles!).
Fighting Robots!
Sadly, the FizzPop robot was not quite battle-ready (although it did have a brief drive in the ring during the day), so there were four robots in the competition. These were randomly assigned as A, B, C, and D for the preset schedule of head-to-heads:
After the first four fights Potteries and Hitchin had won two rounds each, which worked out very neatly as it meant the next fight became a battle for third place, and the last fight stood as the deciding final:
Hitchin Hackspace rightfully took first place with the robot they call Come Here And Say That:
After the barbecue, the chatting, the battery charging, and the robot hacking there were two more battles: a re-match of rLab vs Bromyard, and a free-for-all with the three surviving robots, during these rLab’s Mr Smiley Biscuit Tin proved itself to be quite formidable!
We aim to get links to all documentation of the 2015 event on to this page – please email us with anything we’ve missed, cheers!
- Inter HackSpace Robot Wars 2015 page on Facebook
- Gallery of photos shared on that
- Gallery of photos shared on that
- Event roundup post on our blog
- FIXME – any other hackspace blog posts?
- Twitter:
- #hackspace #robotwars
- FIXME – some sort of snap shot of that #tag search before its results get lost in time(?)
- YouTube videos:
- Potteries’ overhead view:
- [1-8] All fights (13:11)
- Rob Berwick’s ring-side view:
- [2] Bromyard vs Hitchin (0:32)
- [4] rLab vs Hitchin (1:31)
- AndysMachines’ ring-side view:
- [3] Potteries vs Bromyard (1:07)
- [4] rLab vs Hitchin (1:30)
- [5] rLab vs Bromyard (0:49)
- [6] Hitchin vs Potteries (0:51)
- [7] rLab vs Bromyard – rematch! (2:22)
- [8] rLab vs Hitchin vs Potteries – post competition free for all! (3:13)
- [Bonus video] introducing MrSmileyBiscuitTin (1:53)
- Potteries’ overhead view:
(Information below was published in the run up to the 2015 event…)
The number of fights and time between the fights is entirely dependent on how many entries we get. We will try to give everyone the same amount of time for battery recharge and repairs; more details to follow…
Hackspaces can submit more than one entry, but you may end up fighting yourself!
**Build Rules:
** The rules for this independent event are based on the Fighting Robots Association International Build Rules and Regulations 2013:
** See the Build Rules for full details, but the main thing to note is that the maximum weight is 10Kg (ten kilograms).
Battles will be one-on-one, and limited to 3 minutes.
If a robot stops moving during the fight then they will have 15 seconds to start up again, after which they will have lost. This can happen by being stuck on a wall, on a ramp, upside-down, broken down or any other lack of movement other than being directly pinned by the opposing robot. If robots are stuck together so that they cant move, after 15 seconds they will be manually freed.
Will be roughly 3×3 metres.
The floor will be wood, either plyboard or MDF or similar. There will be a low barrier around the edge (3-4 inches), with a shallow ramp at 2 opposing ends as a hazard. Bots can get stranded on the ramp or pushed up and over the edge of the ramp by an opponent.
There is no entry fee currently but we are thinking of asking for small voluntary donations to cover costs of the event (including BBQ). No pressure will be put on teams to make this donation, as I know they will have already invested in their robots and travel costs.Probably no big prizes (unless people would prefer that?) but we will give out small trophies for:
- Best Engineered,
- Best Designed,
- Most Hacked,
- Most Entertaining,
- Best Robot.
Important Note: As this is our first event, the rules may be subject to change. All robots must be checked and passed by the event organiser before competing. The organiser retains the right to deny entry to any bot deemed unsafe for whatever reason. For this reason we strongly suggest you check the designs with us before investing your cash.