Let's make something!
Sep 24, 2014 | Comments
The hackspace is back in full flow again now. Our open nights are gaining traction. This week, not only do we have the usual suspects but we’re also happy to welcome new members.
There’s been lots going on down at the hackspace recently. It’s always really great when the space is a hive of activity.
Here’s a sample of what goes on at our hackspace…
As you can see we’ve got a few projects together ready for the Stoke Comic Con on Sunday 28th, so see you there.
Sep 17, 2014 | Comments
If you’re interested in doing strange things with electricity then you’ll be right at home at Potteries Hackspace as we’re planning to host dorkbot meetings for the area as part of our open night.
So what is dorkbot?
Sep 11, 2014 | Comments
You’ll find Potteries Hackspace mentioned in this quarters “FactoryMag”, the online magazine for those working in the creative sector in Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire.
Sep 9, 2014 | Comments
This is a sample post to denote the features of Swift theme . The theme consists of various share plugins , feedburner support , sitemap generation etc. You can configure the blog in similar way you use a word press blog
Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit, amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Benjamin Franklin
static void asyncEnabled(Dict* args, void* vAdmin, String* txid, struct Allocator* requestAlloc)
struct Admin* admin = Identity_check((struct Admin*) vAdmin);
int64_t enabled = admin->asyncEnabled;
Dict d = Dict_CONST(String_CONST("asyncEnabled"), Int_OBJ(enabled), NULL);
Admin_sendMessage(&d, txid, admin);
Sep 6, 2014 | Comments
We’ve had a load of Sugru land with us at the Hackspace.
If you’ve never heard of Sugru, it’s a self-setting rubber that can be formed by hand.
We’ve been tasked with coming up with great ways to use Sugru.
It’s a great opportunity for us to be involved in something like this, so we’re hosting Sugru Build Nights.